Tuesday 6 September 2016

Penis Problems: 9 issues you might be facing with your genitals and how you can solve them

The penis issues men faceplay
The penis issues men face
Below are a lost of issues most men face with their penis and find out how you can deal with them.
1. Whisky dick: A lot of men have reported having issues getting or maintaining an erection after having a couple of bottles of alcohol. This is not surprising as alcohol is a depressant which limits your sexual capabilities.
What to do: It is important to know your limits and cut back on the booze if you have sexy time planned afterwards. Continue after the cut...

2.  You can't get there: Do you have problems reaching orgasms? If you are one of those men who can go over an hour and you do not climax, then this might be due to some internal and external factors.
What to do: If you care using medications, some of them could be the culprit. Anxiety, stress and depression also causes this condition. Your best bet is to speak to your doctor.
3. You finish too soon: Premature ejaculation also affect a lot of men. It is normal to have occasional episodes from time to time but it can still be frustrating.
What to do: Things that can help include masturbating beforehand (to reduce the pressure), wear de-sensitizing condoms or using the stop-and-go techniques.
4. Your penis is curved: When erect, it is normal for your penis to have a slight bend because  of your anatomy. 
What to do: If the situation seems extreme, or is accompanied by painful erections, you could have something called Peyronie's disease. This usually happen to men between the ages of 40 and 60. You should consult your doctor.
5. It is itchy: This could be caused by bad hygiene, sex with a stranger, using new soap or cream. You can get a rash that appears around your groin. This is caused by excess moisture from sweat, wearing tight underwear,  skin rubbing, fungal or bacterial infection.
What to do: If it is due to fungal infection, anti-fungal cream will help. For other causes, just keep the area clean and dry, use gentle soap and make sure you shower after working up a sweat.
6. You have discharge: This could simply be caused by inflammation of the urethra or it could be a symptom of an STD.
What to do: If you notice any discharge, get tested.
7. Can't get an erection: You can experience this erectile dysfunction if you are Vitamin D deficient, diabetic, stressed, not having frequent sex, or smoking too much.
What to do: A few lifestyle changes based on the above could help solve this.
8. You have a bump: If you have bumps that do not hurt and is not discoloured, it can be hair follicles or mild allergic reactions.
What to do: Some STDs can also cause bumps, so if it hurts or looks weird, see a physician.
9. Fertility issues: If you are having issues getting a woman pregnant, some things could be at fault. If you are abusing drugs/alcohol, are overweight or severely stressed, the quality of your sperm will suffer.

What to do: If you make lifestyle changes based on the above and you still have problems, then your issues might be medical. You should see a doctor to get tested and treated.

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