Tuesday 16 June 2015

Blog Reader Makes Shocking Bitter Discovery About Her Husband

Hello Rity
I am a broken woman. My name is Mrs. ***** and I live in Ibadan. I just confirmed my greatest fear this morning. My husband of 7 good years and 4 lovely very intelligent children has killed me. I am going mad. This Man is a pastor. I really do not understand this.

I was on Toke's IG page all through yesterday even when I was at the office throwing in words of encouragement to help heal her wounds without knowing that my own man was in bed with women.

Rity, my husband paid for a flat at Araromi without my knowlege and has been taking women there for fornication. I dont know for how long. An old school friend of mine came to town last night. She crashed at my place because I was supposed to take her to a fertility clinic this morning. Continue...

When we got to Akanran, I felt I saw something like my husbands car parked on the side walk as we drove past. I felt its just a look alike Car and drove on. After meeting the doctor we drove back and out of just plain curiosity I decided to pay a little more attention to the car just to know how similar it looked. As i drove closer, I spotted my husbands plate number. I was miffed because he was supposed to be in Lagos Since Monday morning when he left. He works at Ikeja in Lagos state but comes home every friday.

I spoke with him that morning and he told me he was at a holdup in Anthony so how could his car be here. I stopped my car and called him again and he picked up and told me that he already at the office. I told him that I saw his car as I drove past Cable point at Araromi. He told me that its a look alike. that he is in Lagos and that his car is infront of the office.

Rity, as we approached, My husband called me and asked where I was and why I wasnt at the office, I explained about my friend whom he knows very well. he inquired to know where I was at the moment and i told him that I have left Araromi and was heading back to the office. He said ok and dropped. He sounded a lil unsettled and panicky so i became apprehensive .

Rity, i approached the car because I wasnt convinced. He has given me no reason to doubt him as I have never caught him lying to me. But the wheel of the car and the Winners chapel sticker on the windscreen is something. My friend asked me to reverse lets go check the car out because men can be funny sometimes so i Obliged and reversed. 

I sped up and on getting to the place I saw my husband driving off in high speed. and there was a woman in the car. I packed and came down and went into a chemist shop around that place and asked the attendant for information on the man who just drove out. The young boy told me that he is a rich bachelor who lives in the compound but he is not always around but comes in with lady friends and some guys once in a while.

Rity. I just got back to my office now. My head is racing. Its obvious that my m an has a flat where he takes young girls for sex in the same town that we live. Why is he not at his office. I have decided to go home immediatly I can get permission from my boss. I want to take my kids and my basic and leave his house this evening. My friend thinks that I should not call and confront him but that I should wait until he comes back but Rity, How can I? I feel foolish, Used and betrayed, I gave this man my virginity, I dont deny him sex, I do everything

Why do this to me. I am a broken woman right now. I have bolted my office door from the inside cos I dont know what to tell my colleagues when they see my crying my heart out. Please with your life experience, what do i do? 

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