Saturday 4 October 2014

Akon: Singer Fights Ebola With Airtight Plastic Bubble In DR Congo

Saturday, October 4, 2014Akon climbs on fans in DR. Congo in a plastic airtight bubble, accused on avoiding Ebola
Akon climbs on fans in DR. Congo in a plastic airtight bubble, accused on avoiding Ebola

Singer has been accused of going to extreme lengths to avoid catching the disease during a concert in Africa by not touching his fans
R&B superstar Akon is under heavy criticisms from several media outlets for going to extreme lengths just to avoid being infected with Eboladuring a concert in Africa. He was seen jumping on the heads of his fans  while inside a giantplastic bubble.
The 'Locked Up' singer climbed inside the airtight blow-up during a performance in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, on Sunday and rolled over the crowd, pushed along by the outstretched hands of 60,000 screaming concert-goers. More after the cut...

But his actions prompted breathless reports from certain reporters that rather than just being a creative way of performing closer to his fans, it was a cynical attempt to shield himself from the deadly virus that is sweeping West Africa.
Now why is that a problem?
The Source website reported that to avoid contracting it from anybody, when Akon left the stage to crowd surf with the people that were attending his own concert, he did so in a huge plastic protective bubble.'
What the site forgot to mention or research is the fact that the Konvict boss has used that same 'protective bubble' in several other African countries like Cameroon (in March 2012), Perth and Dubai in 2010 when no trace of Ebola was found then
In a brief speech on stage in Congo, the 41-year-old singer stated: "As Akon, I see myself as an Africa...".
The singer was born  in St. Louis Missouri but spent part of his childhood in Senegal  and have frequently visited the continent where he even runs a charity for underprivileged children called Konfidence Foundation. He also owns a diamond mine in South Africa.

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