Thursday, 9 October 2014

Enhance Screening at US Airports, Nigeria is longer on the list. It was a ‘slip’-Govt Officials

Thursday, October 9, 2014

As at 2 PM( Eastern time) yesterday, Nigeria was mentioned over and over as being on the list of countries whose citizens would  be subjected to extended screening at the US Airport. The announcement was made via a telephone call to CNN which Wolf Blitzer anchored.  We monitored it live. The government official who spoke on behalf of the Dept of Homeland Security included Nigeria’s name on the list. We are now being told it was a mistake or a ‘slip’.
Thank goodness, it was a mistake.I requested for the original tape and was told the gentleman who spoke over the phone inadvertently mentioned Nigeria. Yes, Nigeria is Ebola free and should not be subjected to any form of enhance screening at any US  airport. Period.

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