Thursday, 9 October 2014

Fashion Education Workshop!: Michelle Obama Hosts Students

Thursday, October 9, 2014 

First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a "Fashion Education Workshop." at the White House.
First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a "Fashion Education Workshop." at the White House, she addressed the various students involved in the East Room and talked up the the importance of the industry.
"Now, when it comes to the fashion industry, so often people think it’s all about catwalks and red carpets and 'who wore it best,' and whether some famous person wore the right belt with the right shoes –- like I’d know what that’s like," she said to laughter from the audience. "But the truth is that the clothes you see in the magazine covers are really just the finished product in what is a very long very complicated and very difficult process, as I’ve come to learn working with many designers." 
And she made the point that fashion is part of the American economy.
See more photos after cut...

Source: Alex Wong/Getty Images North America

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