Saturday 27 December 2014

How FCT Minister’s Spokesman Was Shot At Close Range On Christmas Eve

Nosike Ogbuenyi, the special assistant on media to the FCT minister, Sen Bala Mohammed escaped death on Christmas Eve. Nosike was said to be returning from work around 7pm on the 24th of December, when he was accosted by robbers along Umaru Yar’Adua who shot him at close range.

His official car, two Samsung handsets, one Window 7 HP Laptop, two hard disc memory devices, three USB devices, one large photo book, bank documents, two ATM cards and office records were all taking from him. Luckily for Nosike, he survived the gunshot wound and he is currently at an undisclosed hospital where he is receiving treatment. 

1 comment:

Uche Emma said...

Once election is coming, all sorts begin to happen