Thursday 25 December 2014

Rity Onyi wish you all Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year Ahead!

It’s the 25th of December!!! And we here at  can ROB never have a wonderful Christmas if we don’t wish you all, our most wonderful readers / subscribers a Merry Christmas. We love and appreciate you all, without you guys, we would be nothing.
We want to thank you for the views, the love, the support, everything! You all have been wonderful and we can only but thank you a million fold and wish you all a wonderful Christmas celebration and as we all hope to see a prosperous new year, an even more prosperous new year we shall have. 
GOD Bless you and Thank you very much!!! Please don’t finish your meals oh, I’d love to have some please. thank you!


Uche Emma said...

Happy Christmas Rity Onyi.
Please you are invited to come and have some rice here

Uche Emma said...

Silent Night ...

Yes ... despite all the noise from the generators around me right now.

Yes ... we need to find some peace amidst all the chaos and hopelessness. All around the world, the vampires seem to be on rampage.

Yes ... there's also this celebration of Christmas devoid of the Reason. Yet another type of noise.

In all, just know this: FAITHFUL IS HE THAT HAS PROMISED. What He said He will do, that is what He will do!
Even when you seemingly have no "reason" to believe anymore, just hang on, come as you are, hold on. He may tarry, but He will NEVER fail.

When all the inns in Bethlehem closed their doors to Mary & Joseph on that cold, Our Lady did not doubt that she was carrying God in her womb!
I know you may have reasons to doubt, but don't. Like Mary, go to the manger, kings will find you there as the angels sing along.

Happy Christmas!

Victoria Ariri said...

Happy Christmas Rity, We love You!

Ijeoma Ajums said...

merry christmas Rity.