Wednesday 28 January 2015

Tragedy: Man murders kinsman in Abia

For murdering his kinsman, a young man has thrown his community into turmoil.
The rural community of Umuokwe in Bende local government area of Abia State, was, last week, thrown into confusion following the beheading of a kinsman, Ahamefula Mba, by a young man, Chinedu Okorie.
The deceased who is said to be a relation of a former Commissioner for Lands in the state, Chief Paul Chikezie, was murdered when he went to fetch water at a village stream.
The incident, according to the Vanguard Newspaper, has thrown the community into turmoil as angry youths in the community, unable to track down Okorie who had gone into hiding after committing the heinous crime went into hiding, were said to have gone on rampage, destroying the home, farmland and other economic trees of the suspect’s family. Continue...

The late Mba, was reported to have squatted to fetch water from the stream when his assailant came from behind and chopped off his head.
A source in the community narrated that the suspect bought a new machete and sharpened if for seven days without those around him knowing what he needed it for.
The headless body of the late Mba was discovered by children who went to the stream and raised alarm, which attracted the attention of the villagers, who immediately began searching for the suspect who the children saw before he made his escape.
The source added that Okorie had recently been behaving in a strange way for sometime and many thought he was on drugs of some sort.
The state Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Geoffrey Ogbonna, confirmed the incident, saying the command was intensifying efforts to track down the fleeing suspect.

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