Wednesday 1 April 2015

Ex-wife chops off husband's penis so he could not marry another woman

Angry woman chops off ex-husband's manhood.
A Chinese woman, Fu Shih, has been arrested for chopping off her ex-husband's penis so that he could not marry another woman.
According to Mirror, the victim, Hong Shih, had agreed to meet with his ex-wife to discuss the couple’s three children and a possible reconciliation but after he told her that he had no desire of getting back together due to the many problems the couple had, Fu allegedly attacked him and in the process, chopped off his manhood.
"I was just wearing loose fitting jogging trousers, and I heard her come up behind me and was shocked when she suddenly pulled down my trousers. Continue...

I turned around and went to pull up my trousers when she leaned forward and before I even knew what she was doing, sliced off my penis.
She told me that she didn’t want to see me with somebody else and said ‘if I can’t have you, nobody will’."
Even though the wound was severe, Hong ran to a hospital approximately 800 meters down the road while carrying his detached penis in his hand where doctors rushed him into surgery and were able to reattach the penis following a lengthy procedure.
Fu, the ex-wife, actually went to the hospital to visit Hong. Afterward, she turned herself over to police.

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