Monday 29 September 2014

3 Things You Should Not Do For Love

Monday, September 29, 2014
It's good to fall in love...but you must also always watch your back.
Falling on love is easy, staying in love is a little bit more difficult.
In fact, people hardly stay in love anymore... you can ask Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa to explain that to you.
So, even though the relationship may be great and you are tempted to think that your lover is the beginning and end of your life, you must be careful not to lose your life for them.
Continue after the cut...

This is even worse if you are not married.
No matter how much you fall in love (especially when there is no formal connection like church or court wedding) you must not do any of these three things:
  1. Abandon Your Dreams: Your dreams are you, so you must not abandon them. If you so-called lover loves you, he or she would support, not kill, your dream. You guys must be able to work it out — a middle way. This is because, in the event that you break-up, it will hurt even more.
  2. Abandon Your Friends: Your friends are all you have when everything else is lost. So you must avoid the temptation to kill your friendships for this one man or woman. This is because, when the going gets tough, or the going ends entirely, these friends won't welcome you with a smiling face.
  3. Become A Bank Account: Don't turn yourself into a bank account where your partner just withdraws money at will. It is the reason why, after break-ups, it is common to hear people say things like "after all I did for you" and "I spent my all for you." You must not make stupid investments in someone because you think you are in love. There are lots of gold-diggers, male and female, out there. Give, but spend only on the necessary.
People have been known to kill their lovers after a break-up because of the 'investment' they think they will or have lost.

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