Friday 23 January 2015

Sad But true: 9 Month Old Baby found inside a Pit in Kaduna!! (Photo)

Wrapped in a carrier bag, an innocent baby boy was found in a pit along by a fence on the Race Course Road Kaduna.
The baby was discovered by a group of Almajiri boys, however it was a brave female TV reporter who went down in the pit to rescue the baby boy, another woman took off her veil to wrap the child in.
Passer-byers that arrived at the scene rained curses on the mother who could abandon her child like this. Continue...

One woman who wishes to remain nameless said: “just look at what my sister is looking for after years of marriage and somebody just abandoned here, I am not sure it is going to be well with the wicked soul that did this.”
The Police were called to the scene and the baby boy left with them, further reports from the police are not yet available.

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