Friday 22 May 2015

The Lord's Doing: 62-yr-old mad woman cured of 30 years insanity after being hit by car

A mad woman was healed miraculously
What could have been a moment of sadness for the Emmanuel Ugwu family of Umuebiem, Agbamere community, Nsukka local government area of Enugu State, after their 62-year-old mother identified as Victoria, was hit by a vehicle, turned to rejoicing as the woman who was mentally deranged before the incident, became healed after the accident.
According to family sources, the incident occurred at Ugwuawarawa in Nsukka, when the woman who is said to have suffered the strange mental problem for over three decades, suddenly came back to her senses in a miraculous circumstance. Continue...

The woman who is popularly known as Mama Nnenna, according to those who know her, has staying at Total Roundabout in Nsukka, stark naked, a manifestation of her state of mental health.
After she was hit by the vehicle, she was rushed to Bishop Shanahan Hospital, Nsukka, by the driver of the car that hit her, and according to reports, she has been fully cured of her madness.
The woman narrated her ordeal:
"I don’t know what I did to people that I was put in that kind of condition. I believe that what was happening to me was not ordinary. Somebody did this to me.
I was down there (pointing at Ugwuawara side) picking food in a dustbin when two children met me and asked me to stop picking anything there. But later they asked me to continue picking. T
hen, I continued but I did not know when a vehicle came and hit me. It knocked me down and ran over me.
That was when I regained my senses after so many years."
Her daughter, Nnenna, also took up the explanation:
"What happened to my mother can best be described as miraculous healing. I have never seen such a rapid healing. I am so happy that she is now recovering though we are currently facing challenges of getting money to buy her drugs regularly.
When she was mentally deranged, it was a difficult time for us. Each and every time I came around Total filling station and saw her tattered and picking refuse from dump sites, I always felt so bad. It was always heart rending and too difficult to imagine."
Another family member traced the genesis of Mama Nnenna's problems:
"Her problem started as far back as 1984. She started by taking her children to the streets and refuse dump to pick some food. When her husband’s relations saw what was happening, they took the children away from her and she came back to stay with her husband who was then a driver with the local education authority.
Few years after this, her husband disappeared and I alerted his relations about the development and they started looking for him.
Later, they found him dead somewhere in Nsukka and took him to his village and buried him. Mrs. Victoria continued living here all alone amassing all sorts of refuse to her house since all these three decades.
When we went to see her at the hospital after the accident and discovered that she couldn’t receive any medication from the hospital, I reported to the police for permission to take her back to her house and also to treat her using both orthodox and herbal medicines.
I was given the permission and I brought her back here and since then, she has been getting better by the day."

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