Sunday 21 September 2014

TB Joshua is Right to Give Journalists at the Crash Site Money

Sunday, September 21, 2014           

Prophet TB Joshua has said it before that he is a man who has been facing challenges right from when he was born, till date. So, I'm not surprised by the Audio Tape I received that was recorded by a guy called Nicholas Ibekwe about a meeting the respected Prophet had with a group of journalists from different media who have been covering and reporting stories from the site of his church's crashed guest house.

It is naturally for TB Joshua's media managers to advise him to give the journalists some money as a way to show his appreciation for the professional work they have been doing for the last One Week at the site.

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong in TB Joshua's action. He never told any of the journalists on record to go and reduce the casualty figure. That money was not a BRIBE, it was a GIFT. Simple!

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